Kangen Water: Ditching normal water for ‘alkaline water’ won’t do wonders for health

Kangen Water: Ditching normal water for ‘alkaline water’ won’t do wonders for health
Kangen Water: Ditching normal water for ‘alkaline water’ won’t do wonders for health (Image via indiamart)

Date: May 18, 2024 Fact Check: Ditching normal water for ‘alkaline water’ won’t do wonders for health In recent years, there has been a growing trend of people ditching regular water in favor of “alkaline water” due to its claimed health benefits. However, a closer look at the science behind alkaline water reveals that these claims may not hold water.

Alkaline water, also known as ionized water, is water that has a higher pH level than regular water. Proponents of alkaline water argue that it can neutralize acidity in the body, promote better hydration, and even prevent diseases such as cancer. But is there any scientific evidence to support these claims? According to experts, the notion that alkaline water can significantly impact our health is not backed by solid scientific research.

While it is true that our body’s pH levels need to be balanced for optimal functioning, the human body has its own highly efficient mechanisms to regulate pH levels. Our stomach, for instance, is highly acidic to aid in digestion, and drinking alkaline water does not alter our body’s overall pH balance.

Moreover, the claims that alkaline water can prevent diseases like cancer are largely unfounded. Cancer is a complex disease influenced by various factors, and simply changing the pH level of the water we consume is unlikely to have a significant impact on cancer prevention.

In fact, some experts argue that excessively alkaline water can potentially disrupt the normal acid-base balance in our body, leading to adverse effects on our health. It is important to note that our body requires a certain level of acidity for various physiological processes, and altering this balance can have unintended consequences.

Additionally, the cost associated with alkaline water should also be taken into consideration. Many brands of alkaline water come with a hefty price tag, claiming to have added minerals and antioxidants. However, these claims are often exaggerated, and the benefits of consuming alkaline water over regular water are questionable at best.

So, what does this mean for the average consumer? It suggests that there is no need to ditch regular water for alkaline water in the hope of achieving miraculous health benefits. Instead, focusing on maintaining a balanced diet, staying hydrated with regular water, and leading a healthy lifestyle overall is key to promoting good health.